Installing Enterprise Application Server 4.30 (eas430) On AIX

This installation can be performed on an AIX machine which has had WPO 4.2 installed (see Installing WebSphere Portal 4.2 Offering On AIX ), or on a machine which has a NIM from gvtaix04 which includes the WPO 4.2  (see Installing New WEA Test AIX Image Using NIM ), and use mainentance level defined in section "For Maintenance Level 3 with WPO 4.2" .

These instructions created using image "03180306"

Obtain Enterprise Application Server Software

Installation Preparation

There are two sources for the EAS image, from NAS or from the "build" directory.

(If installing from NAS)

Before you begin installation of the full complement of services, and you are using the normal "NIM" installation Operating System image, you must
increase your file sizes.. This can be done automatically using a utility provided in the "tools" directory.

1)  Logon to your AIX machine (i.e. "(yourmachinename)") as "root"

2)  Change directories to the network drive which has the builds on it by changing directories to "/nas/WEA_R430/" (on some machines, the mount to this directory is unsuccessful. If so, type "mount  -a" to correct this problem). In that directory there are all builds which have been transferred to NAS. Determine the build you are interested in and change to that directory (i.e. "03121504"), and in it change to the "cdlinks/cd1" directory (this full path will be "/nas/WEA_R430/03121504/cdlinks")  (if you do not have nas300 mounted, "mkdir /nas", then "mount nas300:/staging  /nas")

3)  Change directories to the WEA Stand Alone Installer directory (i.e. "cd  cd5/eas/install"), and at the AIX command prompt type "./". In a few seconds a new window should appear for performing the installation. Go to Installation Operation

(OR, if installing from Rushmore)

1) From the AIX machine you wish to install on, create and change to a directory for downloading the binary file (i.e. "/rushing")

2) Connect to web site "".

3) In the left frame, scroll to the "eas_r430" section and click on the "win" link.

4) In the right "Available Builds for eas_r430 win" frame, click on the build you wish to install (i.e. "02190221").

5) Click on the associated "Build has moved" link ( "\PVC2\BuildLib\eas_r430\win\02190221\Build_Has_Moved.htm").

6) In the resulting page "This build has been moved to the Drivers Library", click on the "Drivers Library" link.

7) In the Product page, click on the associated "" link (i.e. "\PVC2\Drivers\eas_r430\02190221\win\") to download the zip file to the directory you created in step 1.

8) From the directory you created, extract the file using the "jar" command (i.e. "jar -xvf").

9) From the "rushing" directory change the file mode of all files to "executable" (i.e. "chmod -R +x *").

10) From the "rushing/ent.install" directory, execute the "" script (i.e "./"), which will invoke the presentation of the installer GUI. Go to Installation Operation

Installation Operation

Before performing the following, assure all components have been properly started (see WEA Startup After AIX Reboot)

1) In the Installer "Welcome" panel, click "Next".

2) In the next panel, accept the default for the "Directory Name" ("/usr/WebSphere/WEACoreServices"), and click "Next".

3) In the "Select the WebSphere Everyplace Access features to install" panel, (if installing from Rushmore, deselect the "WebSphere Everyplace Access Infocenter"), all components should be selected, so click "Next" (already selected were "WebSphere Everyplace Access", "Portal Extensions", "Portal enhancements", "Productivity Portlets", "Microsoft Exchange portlets", "Lotus Notes IIOP portlets", "Database setup", "Offline Portal and device management configuration database", "Client services", "Offline Portal Content server", "Device management configuration server", and "User and group access client" (and if installing from Rushmore, the "WebSphere Everyplace Access Infocenter" will not be selected.)

4) In the "WebSphere Portal information" panel, for the "WebSphere Portal host name" field, enter the fully qualified name of your machine (i.e ""), for the "WebSphere Portal administrator password", and "Confirm adminstrator password", enter "wpsadmin". For the
"WebSphere Portal install location" field, enter "/usr/WebSphere/PortalServer", then press "Next". (already filled in were "Wepsphere Portal administrator ID" = "wpsadmin", the "WebSphere Portal administrator user group" = "wpsadmins", the "WebSphere Portal base URI" = "/wps", and the "WebSphere Portal customized page" = "/myportal").

5) In the "Database and IBM HTTP Server information" panel, for the "Database administrator ID", "Database administrator password", and "Confirm administrator password" enter "wasinst" (the default administrator ID was "db2admin"), for the "JDBC driver path" enter "/usr/lpp/db2_07_01/java/", then click "Next". (the "JDBC driver name" was "").

6) In the "WebSphere Application Server information" panel, for the "WebSphere Application Server Administration node name" field, enter the machine name (i.e. "6c4aix101"), then press "Next" (already filled in, the "WebSphere Application Server install location" field was "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer") (displayed something which quickly went away "Writing product definition...."). Wait a minth.

7) In the "IBM HTTP Server install location" panel, for the "IBM HTTP Server install location" field, enter "/usr/HTTPServer", then click "Next".

8) In the resulting summary panel reflecting what will be installed (and where), click "Next".

The summary panel displayed:

WebSphere Everyplace access will be installed in the following location:


with the following features:

    Portal extensions
        Portal enhancements
        Productivity portlets
        Microsoft Exchange portlets
        Lotus Notes IIOP portlets
    Database setup
        Offline Portal and device management configuration database
    Client services
        Offline Portal Content server
        Device management configuration server
        User and group access client
    WebSphere Everyplace Access InfoCenter   (If selected)

for a total size

    27.5 MB

And you might see the following:

Note: the following file systems will be expanded during the installation


7) After a few minutes you will be queried for the WAS Admin User Identity and User Password. Enter "wpsadmin" for both then click "OK" (this will happen 17 times).

8) In the "successfully installed " finish panel, click "Finish".

9) Logon to the portal ("http://(yourmachinename)") using the ID/password "wpsadmin" and browse the Portal server.

EAS430 Post Installation Operations

1) Stop and restart the WEA server.

2) Regenerate the Websphere plugin

Niming 6c4aix101 NIM  83 % 27 min