Installing IBM HTTP Server 2.0

To install IHS 2.0, you must have installed Java 1.3.1. See Installing Java 1.3.1 On AIX for instructions for this installation.

The IHS 2.0 software currently exists on the WEA Test Department Server in the directory "/WEA/inst.images/HTTPServer/ihs2" as a file "HTTPServer.aix.2042.tar", which has already been untarred using the "tar" utility (i.e." tar -xvf HTTPServer.aix.2042.tar"). (Obtained from web site "")

1) In the resulting untarred directory "IHS-2.0.42", which is in the "/WEA/inst.images/HTTPServer/ihs2" directory, run the Java 1.3.1 compiler on the "setup.jar" file (i.e. "/usr/java131/jre/bin/java  -jar  setup.jar").

2) After several seconds the "Installer" panel will appear querying you to select a language (the author selected "English"), then click "OK"

3) In the "Welcome to the Installation Wizard for IBM HTTP Server 2.0.42", click "Next".

3) In the "License Agreement" panel, click "Accept" then click "Next".

4) In the next panel, for the "Directory Name" field, enter "/usr/HTTPServer", then click "Next".

5) In the "Choose the setup type that best suits your needs", select "Typical", then click "Next".

6) The next panel will reflecct where and what will be installed, click "Next"

Dialog from this panel:

IBM HTTP Server 2.0.42 will be installed in the following location:


with the following features:

    HTTPServer base
        Application Files
    Base Extensions

for a total size:


7) After several minths, a successful installation panel should be displayed, click "Finish".