Installing WebSphere Everyplace Access On Distributed Environment (AIX)

Full Install

Machine 1 (LDAP Server)
Machine 2 (Database Server)
Machine 3 (WAS/WEA Server)
Machine 4 (INS)
Machine 5 (ESS)
Machine 6 (DMS)
Post Installation Required Steps

GM Installation

This process describes the use of Setup Manager, to installs WebSphere Everyplace Access in a distributed environment. It includes the installation of components "WebSphere Everyplace Access" (WAS), "WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services" (WEA), "SecureWay Directory Server", and "DB2 Universal Database Server" (DB2), "Everyplace Synchronization Server" (ESS), "DB2 Everyplace" (DB2e), "Intelligent Notification Server" (INS), "Device Management Server" (DMS), and the portlets, on different physical machines. Note that this was a snapshot for a particular build (the GM 421 Build). There might (laugh heartily) be changes in defaults in subsequent builds/installs. Important: If an install on a particular machine breaks/aborts, you should drop and recreate the appropriate database(s) on the DB machine. There is some likelihood the database(s) could be corrupted or incorrectly configured.

In this scenario, SecureWay is on "wea2aix1", DB2 is on "wea2aix2", WAS/WEA is on "wea2aix8", and other components are elsewhere (INS on "wea2aix3", ESS on "wea2aix5", DMS on "weaaix01").

When using Setup Manager without the use of the keyboard (for accessibility), choosing a radio button involves using the "Tab" key to go to the appropriate field, and pressing the space bar to select that field.  For selecting check boxes, use the tab and arrow keys to move to the appropriate  position, then press the space bar to "check" the box. Also, in the following sections, when instructed to "select" or "click", use the tab key to go to the appropriate field, then press the "Enter" key.

Before you begin installation of the full complement of services, and you are using the normal "NIM" installation Operating System image, you must increase your file sizes (note that for a distributed install, the file sizes on the distributed machines might not have to be as large as for a full install on one machine). This can be done automatically using a utility provided in the "tools" directory. (Note: the Setup Manager SHOULD inform you if you need to increase your file sizes).

1)  Logon to your AIX machine (i.e. "(yourmachinename)") as "root", but before you attempt to install WEA, you must increase your file sizes. (i.e. change directories to "/WEA/tools/shayden", and execute the script "qp.ksh"). See Increasing File Sizes for details of this script. You will then be instructed to reboot the machine to apply settings (this reboot process is not necessary). However, if you wish to do so, it can be done by typing "reboot" .
2)  Logon to your AIX machine (i.e. "(yourmachinename)") as "root", and then, dependant upon whether you are installing from CDs or NAS, perform the appropriate next steps.

3)  (OPTION 1) Mount a NAS network drive to your machine that has the appropriate build on it (i.e. execute the command "/tools/gdeen/mknas", shell scripts which mount the network disk with builds on it, see Example Mount Script for details of this and additional scripts), change directories to the newly mounted drive (i.e. "cd  /nasimgs/cd1"), and at the AIX command prompt type "./" (do not forget the dot slash ("./") preceding the "", otherwise you bust!).


3)  (OPTION 2) Mount a CD ( i.e. from the AIX command prompt, type "mount -o ro -v cdrfs /dev/cd0   /mnt "), and from the root directory ("/"), execute the command "/mnt/" (note that if you are in the directory in which you have mounted (i.e. "mnt"), and you execute the "" script, you will not be able to unmount the CD, and will have to abort the installation to remove the CD. Once aborted in this way, you might as well NIM your machine, because the author (and others) have been down this path before, and it's MESSY!).

4)  In a few seconds a new graphical user interface (GUI) window should appear for performing the installation.

During installation, progress will be displayed on the window you started the install on, as well as any exceptions thrown during installation.

Once installation is complete the WEA Information Center is located at "HTTPServer/htdocs/en_US/WEAInfo/en/InfoCenter/index.html"

(common Administrator password for Windows and AIX test machines is (generic password))

Machine 1 (LDAP Server)
(i.e. "wea2aix1")

IBM SecureWay Installation

1)  After invoking the install script, the first screen you will see is the "View Information" window in the "View Prerequisites" panel. If you wish, view the prerequisites (this will be done via a web browser), then click "Next"

2)  In the "Reading Software License" panel, select "Accept" in the "Program License Agreement" section and click "Next".

3)  In the "Install Selection" panel, select "Standard Install" and click "Next".

4)  You then have the option to enter a response file of a previously recorded install if desired, do not enter a value (and if one is there by default, delete it from this input field), and click "Next".

5)  In the "Select Components" panel, select only the components "SecureWay Directory Server", and "DB2 Universal Database Server", and click "Next".

(Note: for installation with Microsoft Active Directory, see Installation with Microsoft Active Directory)


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username for IBM HTTP Server" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

SecureWay Directory Installation

1)  In the "SecureWay Directory Server" "Collect LDAP Suffix Information" panel, in the Suffix field enter "dc=rushmore".  In the Administrative User enter "cn=wpsadmin",  for the Password and Confirm Password fields enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".  (LDAP port is "389"). No addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option. To unmount a CD, from the AIX prompt type "unmount /MNT", or click the "Unmount" button on the change CD popup)


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/Steves.GM.120202.1552.wea2aix1.LDAPOnlyWEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

(The Display Summary status panel said Global Security Toolkit, IBM HTTP Server, SecureWay Directory Client, WAS, WAS Fixpack 4, Portal Server, Portlets, and Transcoding Technology were being installed)

Configure Secureway LDAP

Once you have installed Secureway, you must configure it for the installation of WEA and it's associated components

1)  From the WPO CD7 directory (i.e. "/wpo/WPO414/cd7/wps"), copy the file "WPSconfig.ldif" to a temporary directory (or get the file from "/WEA/tools/shayden/DistributedWEA").

2)  Change all occurances of "dc=yourco,dc=com" to "dc=rushmore" (from "vi", execute the command "1,$s/dc=yourco,dc=com/dc=rushmore" and then save your changes). (Also, you must deal with any other occurances of "yourco")

3)  Using the browser of your choice, connect to the LDAP Administration web page (i.e. "")

4)  Enter your LDAP Administrator ID and Password (i.e. "cn=wpsadmin" and "wpsadmin"), and click "Logon".

5)  In the "Directory Server" frame, scope down from "Database" and select "Export LDIF").

6)  In the "Export LDIF" frame, in the "Path and file name" field, either accept the default or enter a path and file name you wish to use for your export, then click "Export".
Results were:
Entry DC=RUSHMORE already exists.
Entry CN=USERS,DC=RUSHMORE already exists
Entry CN=GROUPS,DC=RUSHMORE already exists
ldifdb2: 1 entries have been successfully added out of 6 attempted

7) Stop then start the LDAP server. (Go to "Current State", select "Start/Stop", and click the appropriate button)

Machine 2 (Database Server)
(i.e. "wea2aix2")

IBM DB2 and DB2 Fixpack 7 Installation

1) Follow the appropriate instructions in the above "GM Installation" section step 3 to mount the appropriate media, and steps 1-4 in the section "IBM SecureWay Installation".

2) In the "Select Components" panel, select only the component "DB2 Universal Database Server", and click "Next". No addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option)

3) When the DB2 installation is complete, from the AIX command prompt switch users to the wasinst user (i.e. "su - wasinst"), and execute the command "db2set DB2_INDEX_2BYTEVARLEN=ON". (this setting should be done for whatever instance WAS/WEA uses for DB's!).

4) Execute the command "db2 update dbm cfg using NUMDB 20" to increase the maximum number of databases

(or alternatively run the DB2 Control Center (type "db2cc&" at the command prompt), and in the DB2CC GUI, scope down to the machine (i.e. "wea2aix2"), the "Instances", to "wasinst", right click and select "Configure". In the "Configure Instance" window, in the "Parameter" section, select "Maximum number of concurrent active databases". In the lower left panel, enter the value "20", and then click "OK". In the resulting pop-up "DB2 Message", it states "The instance configuration was successfully updated. The instance "wasinst" must be stopped before most changes come into effect". Click "Close" to exit this pop-up. You can then exit the DB2 Control Center)

5) Execute the command "export EXTSHM=ON"

6) Execute the command "db2set DB2ENVLIST=EXTSHM:

7) Add the command "export EXTSHM=ON" to the associated DB instance's (i.e. "wasinst") ".profile" file.

8) Execute the command "db2stop", and then "db2start" to start the DB2 instance using this new value.

Manually Create Databases and Tables

(More info (scripts, sql's, ddl's, and output from the following scripts) is available at "/WEA/tools/shayden/DistributedWEA")

1) When the installation is finished, from the command line create the group "wasgrp" using the command "mkgroup -a wasgrp".

2) Create a user "wasinst" that is a member of the above group by invoking the command "mkuser -a pgrp=wasgrp wasinst".

3) Make a temporary directory (i.e. "/tmp/Dist").

4)  Re-insert CD1 and from the "/mnt/weascripts" directory, copy the scripts "", "", "", "", "",  "*.ddl", and "*.sql" to your temporary directory.

5) Change to your temporary directory and execute the script "" with the appropriate parameters (i.e. " wasinst wasinst wasdbl wasdb LOOPBACK 55555 /home/wasinst wasgrp").

6) Switch users ("su - wasinst") and execute the scripts ""and "", then type "exit" to switch back to root user.

7) As root, in the "/tmp/Dist" directory, run the script "" with the parameter "wasinst" (i.e. " wasinst").

(Note: somewhere in the above or later processes the user "wasinst" password is set to "wasinst". )

Installing INS,ESS, and DMS Databases

1) Insert and mount CD1, then run Setup Manager ("/mnt/") on this machine and install the databases for Everyplace Synchronization, Intelligent Notification Services and Device Manager on database instance (wasinst).

2)  After invoking the install script, the first screen you will see is the "View Information" window in the "View Prerequisites" panel. If you wish, view the prerequisites (this will be done via a web browser), then click "Next"

3)  In the "Reading Software License" panel, select "Accept" in the "Program License Agreement" section and click "Next".

4)  In the "Install Selection" panel, select "Standard Install" and click "Next".

5)  You then have the option to enter a response file of a previously recorded install if desired, do not enter a value (and if one is there by default, delete it from this input field), and click "Next".

6)  In the "Select Components" panel, select only the option to install the "Intelligent Notification Services Database", "Everyplace Synchronization Server Databases", "Device Manager Database",  (DO NOT INSTALL "WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services", "Intelligent Notification Services Server", "Everyplace Synchronization Server", "Device Manager", or "SecureWay Directory Server"), and click "Next".(Note, you cannot unselect "WebSphere Everyplace Access", or "DB2 Universal Database Server" when any of the databases are selected in this panel)

Intelligent Notification Server Database

1)  In the "Configure Database" panel, use the default database name ("insdb"), and enter "wasinst" for the Database User, Database Password, and Confirm Password fields. In the "Messaging hostname" field, enter the machine name you intend to (or have already?) install(ed) INS (i.e ""), and click "Next".

Everyplace Synchronization Server Database

1) In the "Database Mode" panel, select "Create new Databases" and click "Next".

2) In the "Local Information" panel, for the instance field enter "wasinst", leave "Node Name" as "LOOPESS", and change the port number to "55555", then press "Next".

3) In the "Everyplace Synchronization Server Adminstrator ID" panel, for the Username, Password, and Confirm Password" fields enter "wasinst", and for the Group, enter "wasgrp", then click "Next".

Device Manager Database

1) In the "Device Manager Database" "Choose or use an existing database" panel, select "Create and initialize a local database", and click "Next".

2) In the "Databsae creation mode" panel, for the "Database Username", "Database Password", "Confirm Password", and "Instance Name" fields, enter "wasinst", and click "Next".


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/Steves.GM.120302.DBsINSESSDMSWEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

Machine 3 (WAS/WEA Server)
(i.e. "wea2aix8")

WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Everyplace Access

On the machine where you plan to install WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services, install the DB2 Administration Client and create wasinst instance. IMPORTANT: Once you have installed WEA/WAS and the Portal Server on this machine, ALWAYS assure WAS and the Portal server are started before installing any other component(s) (i.e INS, ESS, or/and DMS).

1) Insert and mount CD 2-4 and change directory to "/mnt/db2/aix".

2) From the AIX prompt type "db2setup", and in the "Install DB2 V7" panel, tab to the "DB2 Administration Client" and press the space bar to select it (and only it), and then tab to the "OK" field, then press "Enter".

3) In the "Create DB2 Services" panel, tab to the "Create a DB2 Instance", press the space bar to select it.

4) In the "DB2 Instance" section of the panel, for the "User Name", "Group Name", "Password", and "Verify Password" fields, enter the value "wasinst", and for the "Home Directory" field, enter "/home/wasinst". Tab to "OK" and press "Enter".

5) Back in the "Create DB2 Services" panel, tab to the "OK" button and press "Enter".

6) In the "Summary Report" panel, press "Enter" to Continue.

7) At the "Warning" panel, "OK" should already be selected, press "Enter", and wait a minth.

8) At the "Completed Successfully" and "Status Report" panels, press "Enter" for "OK", and finally "Enter" for "Close" and "Do you want to exit DB2 Setup Utility?", select "OK", then press "Enter".

9) Insert and mount CD 2-7, change directory to "/mnt/db2fp/aix", and from the AIX command prompt, type "installFixPak" to install DB2 Fixpack 7.

10) Configure the database clients for remote databases for WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Member Services and Offline Browsing using the following commands.

Where: wasinst represents the Application Server database instance
            <db_hostname> represents the hostname of the machine where the component databases were installed
            <db_port> represents a port number that is planned to use for WebSphere Application Server, such as 55555. Setup Manager will handle the client configuration for WebSphere Application Server.

su - wasinst
db2 catalog tcpip node LOOPWPS remote <db_hostname> server <db_port>
db2 catalog db XWPSDB as WPSDB at node LOOPWPS
db2 catalog db WMSDB as WMSDB at node LOOPWPS
db2 catalog db OFLNBRS as OFLNBRS at node LOOPWPS

WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Everyplace Access (with remote databases)

Launch Setup Manager and install Everyplace Access Basic Services. Enter "wasinst" when prompted for the remote database.

1) Follow the appropriate instructions in the above "GM Installation" section step 3 to mount the appropriate media, and steps 1-4 in the section "IBM SecureWay Installation".

2) In the "Select Components" panel, select only the components "WebSphere Everyplace Access" and "WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services", and click "Next". With the exception of filling out subsequent panels, no addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option)


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username for IBM HTTP Server" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

WebSphere Application Server

1)  In the "WebSphere Application Server directory" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (WebSphere Application Server Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer").

2)  In the "Choose DB Location" panel "Is this a remote database" field, select "Yes", and then click "Next".

4)  In the "Collect DB User Info" panel, accept the default for Database Username = "wasinst" and Local Database Group "wasgrp", and enter "wasinst" for the Database Password and Confirm Database Password fields, then click "Next". (Database Username was "wasinst" and Local Database Group was "wasgrp")

5)  A pop-up will appear stating "The user's primary group will be overwritten with this value during install. Click OK and then Back if you wish to change this value.", click "OK", in the popup, and click "Next" in the "Collect DB User Info" panel".

6)  In the "Collect Database Settings" panel, for the "Local Database Name" field accept the default "wasdb", and in the "Remote Database Name" field, enter "wasdbl".  For the "Remote Database Username", "Remote Database Password", and "Confirm Remote Database Password" fields, enter "wasinst". For the "Remote Database Hostname" field, enter the machine name on which the databases reside (i.e. ""). In the "Node Name", enter "LOOPWPS", and in the "Database Server Port" field, enter "55555", then press "Next". A panel will then be displayed reflecting the DB2 Client and Fixpack have been installed, click "Next".

7)  In the "WebSphere Application Server Security Configuration" "Choose Security Option" panel, select "Yes", and click "Next". (IMPORTANT: a problem exists related to this setting, see Global Security Problem Workaround for a workaround)

8) In the "Collect Administrator ID" panel, for the "Administrator ID", "Password", and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", and click "Next".

Portal Server

1)  In the "LTPA Password" panel, enter "wpsbind" for the LTPA Password and Confirm password, and click "Next".

2)  In the "Server Configuration" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults. (the Install Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/PortalServer", the Hostname is "(yourmachinename)", the Base URI i.e. "/wps", and the Home page is. "/portal", and the Customized page is "/myportal". Proxy Host and Proxy port were blank. The Base URI and the Home page will be the URL to access the Portal portlet, i.e.. "http://(yourmachinename)".).

3)  In the "Selection of LDAP Server" panel, for the "LDAP Server" field, enter the name of the machine your LDAP server is on (i.e. ""), for the "User DN" enter "cn=wpsadmin". For the "User Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", for the "Suffix" field, enter "dc=rushmore", then click "Next" to accept the remaining defaults ("SecureWay Directory" was selected and LDAP Port Number was "389").

4)  In the "LDAP Configuration" panel, accept the defaults and click "Next". (User Object Class was "inetOrgPerson", User DN Prefix was "uid", User DN Suffix was "cn=users,dc=rushmore", Group Object Class was "groupOfUniqueNames", Group Member was "uniqueMember", Group DN Prefix was "cn", Group DN Suffix was ""cn=groups,dc=rushmore", Administrator DN was "uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=rushmore", and Administrative group DN was "cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=rushmore").

5)  In the "Portal Server Database Selection" panel, select "Initialize an existing database", and click "Next".

6)  In the "Additional Database Configuration" panel , enter "wpsdb", and for the Database User, User Password, and Confirm password fields enter "wasinst, and click "Next". (JDBC Database Driver was "", JDBC URL Prefix was "jdbc:db2", and JDBC Driver Library was "/home/wasinst/sqllib/java12/").

7)  In the "Database option for Member Services" "Database option for Member Services" panel, select "Initialize an existing database", and click "Next".

8)  In the "Database Configuration for Members" "Database option for Member Services" panel, enter "wmsdb", and  for the Database User, User Password and Confirm password enter "wasinst", then click "Next". (Database Name was "wmsdb", JDBC Database Driver was "", JDBC URL Prefix was "jdbc:db2", and JDBC Driver Library was "/home/wasinst/sqllib/java12/").


1)  In the "WebSphere EveryPlace Access Portlets" to be installed panel, for the "Portal Administrator Password" enter "wpsadmin", and the "Database Administrator Password" field enter "wasinst", then click "Next" to accept the remaining defaults (all portlets selected, which includes "Portlets for Lotus Domino", "Portlets for Microsoft Exchange", and "Portlets for Productivity Enhancements". (Already filled in were Portal Administrator Username "wpsadmin", Group was "wpsadmins", Portal Server Hostname was "(yourhostname)".  In the "Offline Browsing Database Configuration" section, "Use an existing and initialized database" was selected, and the Database Administration Username was "wasinst")


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/Steves.GM.120702.1335.WASWEA.RemoteDBs.on.wea2aix2WEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

(The Display Summary status panel said Global Security Toolkit, IBM HTTP Server, SecureWay Directory Client, WAS, WAS Fixpack 4, Portal Server, Portlets, and Transcoding Technology were being installed)

For Offline Browsing, the WebSphere Default Server must be running.

Machine 4 (INS)
(i.e. "wea2aix5")

IMPORTANT: Once you have installed WEA/WAS and the Portal Server on the appropriate machine, ALWAYS assure WAS and the Portal server are started on that machine (i.e. "wea2aix8") before installing INS.

1) Follow the appropriate instructions in the above "GM Installation" section step 3 to mount the appropriate media, and steps 1-4 in the section "IBM SecureWay Installation".

2) In the "Select Components" panel, select only the component "Intelligent Notification Services" and "Intelligent Notification Services Server", and click "Next". (You cannot unselect "WebSphere Everyplace Access" , but you should unselect "DB2 Universal Database Server".) No addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option)


1)  In the "WebSphere EveryPlace Access Portlets" to be installed panel, for the "Portal Server Hostname" field, enter the value for the machine you installed WAS/WEA (i.e. "". For the "Portal Administrator Password" enter "wpsadmin". For the "Group" field, enter "wpsadmins", and for the "Portal Administrator Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".

Intelligent Notification Services Server 2.0
1)  In the "General Installation Information" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults. (Already filled in were Install Path "/usr/WebSphere/INS", and Hostname "(yourservername)")

2)  In the "Selected SubComponents configuration" panel, select "Messaging Services" and "Subscription Services", and click "Next".

3)  In the "Subcomponent Configuration" panel, click "Next" to accept the default path (Already filled in was Path "/temp/undDelayQueue").

4)  In the "Select Portal LDAP Type" panel, select "SecureWay Directory", and click "Next".

5)  In the "Configure LDAP Server" "LDAP server hostname" field, enter the machine your LDAP server is on (i.e. ""), for the "LDAP Server Port" field, enter "389",  for the "Root Username" field enter "cn=wpsadmin", for the "Root Password" field enter "wpsadmin",  and for the "LDAP Suffix", enter "dc=rushmore", then click "Next".

6)  In the "Configure Database" panel, in the "Database Server Hostname", enter the value for the machine your INS database is on (i.e. ""), use the default database name ("insdb"), and enter "wasinst" for the "Database User", "Database Password", and "Confirm Password" fields, and click "Next".

7)  In the "Administration portlets install", accept the defaults and click "Next". (Already filled in were WebSphere Portal Hostname, which is the machine WAS and WEA are already installed on (i.e. ""), and Portal Base URI "/wps").


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

WebSphere Application Server

1)  In the "WebSphere Application Server" "Installation Directory" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (WebSphere Application Server Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer").

2)  In the "Choose Database Location" panel "Is this a remote database" field, select "Yes", and then click "Next".

3)  In the "Collect Database User Info" panel, accept the default for Database Username = "wasinst" and Local Database Group "wasgrp", and enter "wasinst" for the Database Password and Confirm Database Password fields, then click "Next". (Database Username was "wasinst" and Local Database Group was "wasgrp")

4)  A pop-up will appear stating "The user's primary group will be overwritten with this value during install. Click OK and then Back if you wish to change this value.", click "OK", in the popup, and click "Next" in the "Collect DB User Info" panel".

5)  In the "Collect Database Settings" panel, for the "Local Database Name" field accept the default "wasdb", and in the "Remote Database Name" field, enter "wasdbl".  For the "Remote Database Username", "Remote Database Password", and "Confirm Remote Database Password" fields, enter "wasinst". For the "Remote Database Hostname" field, enter the machine name on which the databases reside (i.e. ""). In the "Node Name", enter "LOOPWPS", and in the "Database Server Port" field, enter "55555", then press "Next".

6)  In the "WebSphere Application Server Security Configuration" "Choose Security Option" panel, select "Yes", and click "Next".

7) In the "Collect Administrator ID" panel, for the "Administrator ID", "Password", and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", and click "Next".


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/Steves.GM.120702.1621.wea2aix5.INSRemoteDBWEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

(The Display Summary status panel said Global Security Toolkit, IBM HTTP Server, DB2 Universal Database Client, DB2 Universal Database Fixpack 7, SecureWay Directory Client, Portlets, WAS, WAS Fixpack 4, and Intelligent Notification Services Server were being installed)

2) To properly set up appriate environment variables for running the INS servers, you must log off and then back on to this machine.

NOTE: afer installation of additional components (i.e INS), you must manually re-enable Global Security.

1) From the Admin Console, click "Console", select "Security Center".

2) In the Security Center, in the "General" tab, select "Enable Security".

3) In the Security Center, in the "Authentication" tab, select "Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA), then click "Apply"

4) In the "Warning" "Changes will not take effect until the application is restarted" popup, click the OK button.  Click the "OK" button to close the Security Center.

Machine 5 (ESS)
(i.e. "wea2aix3")

IMPORTANT: Once you have installed WEA/WAS and the Portal Server on the appropriate machine, ALWAYS assure WAS and the Portal server are started on that machine (i.e. "wea2aix8") before installing ESS.

1) Follow the appropriate instructions in the above "GM Installation" section step 3 to mount the appropriate media, and steps 1-4 in the section "IBM SecureWay Installation".

2) In the "Select Components" panel, select only the component "Everyplace Synchronization" and "Everyplace Synchronization Server", and click "Next". (You cannot unselect "WebSphere Everyplace Access" , but you should unselect "DB2 Universal Database Server".) No addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option)


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

WebSphere Application Server

1)  In the "WebSphere Application Server" "Installation Directory" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (WebSphere Application Server Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer").

2)  In the "Choose Database Location" panel "Is this a remote database" field, select "Yes", and then click "Next".

3)  In the "Collect Database User Info" panel, accept the default for Database Username = "wasinst" and Local Database Group "wasgrp", and enter "wasinst" for the Database Password and Confirm Database Password fields, then click "Next". (Database Username was "wasinst" and Local Database Group was "wasgrp")

4)  In the "Collect Database Settings" panel, for the "Local Database Name" field accept the default "wasdb", and in the "Remote Database Name" field, enter "wasdbl".  For the "Remote Database Username", "Remote Database Password", and "Confirm Remote Database Password" fields, enter "wasinst". For the "Remote Database Hostname" field, enter the machine name on which the databases reside (i.e. ""). In the "Node Name", enter "LOOPWPS", and in the "Database Server Port" field, enter "55555", then press "Next".

5)  In the "WebSphere Application Server Security Configuration" "Choose Security Option" panel, select "Yes", and click "Next".

6) In the "Collect Administrator ID" panel, for the "Administrator ID", "Password", and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", and click "Next".


1)  In the "WebSphere EveryPlace Access Portlets" to be installed panel, for the "Portal Server Hostname" field, enter the value for the machine you installed WAS/WEA (i.e. "". For the "Portal Administrator Password" enter "wpsadmin". For the "Group" field, enter "wpsadmins", and for the "Portal Administrator Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".


1)  In the "WebSphere EveryPlace Access Portlets" to be installed panel, for the "Portal Server Hostname" field, enter the value for the machine you installed WAS/WEA (i.e. "". For the "Portal Administrator Password" enter "wpsadmin". For the "Group" field, enter "wpsadmins", and for the "Portal Administrator Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".

Everyplace Synchronization Server

1)  In the "Choose Everyplace Synchronization Adapters" panel select "Adapter for Microsoft Exchange", and "Adapter for relational databases using DB2 Everyplace (JDBC compliant)", then click "Next".

2)  In the "Configure Adapter for Microsoft Exchange" panel, for the Hostname enter "", and your Username and Password (i.e. "shayden").

3)  In the "DB2 Everyplace" panel, for the the Username field, enter "db2inst1", and for the "Password", and "Password Confirm" fields enter "ibmdb2", then click "Next". (Already filled in are the WebSphere Application Path "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer", the DB2 Everyplace Path "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer/DB2Everyplace81").

4)  In the "Configure Database Server" panel, "Hostname" field, enter the value for the machine the database is on (i.e. ""). For the "Node Name" field, enter "LOOPESS", for the "Port" field, enter "55555", for the "Install Directory" enter "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer", for the "Instance", "Password" and "Confirm Password" fields enter "wasinst", for the JDBC Library enter "/home/wasisnt/sqllib/java12/". In the "Database Username", "Database Password" and "Password Confirm" fields enter "wasinst", then click "Next". (Already filled in JDBC Driver "", JDBC URL Prefix "jdbc:db2:").

5)  In the "Configure Portal Server" panel, accept the defaults and click "Next". (Already filled in were Portal Base URI "/wps", and the Portal Server Hostname "".)


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/Steves.1208=702.1752.wea2aix3.ESSRemoteDBWEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

(The Display Summary status panel said Global Security Toolkit, IBM HTTP Server, DB2 Universal Database Server,DB2 Universal Database Client, DB2 Universal Database Fixpack 7, SecureWay Directory Client, Portlets, WAS, WAS Fixpack 4, and Intelligent Notification Services Server were being installed)

Logs will be on the database machine (i.e. "wea2aix2") in "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer/logs/CAFConfig.txt" and on the ESS machine in "/usr/IBMWPO/logs/essDB.logs".

NOTE: afer installation of additional components (i.e ESS), you must manually re-enable Global Security.

1) From the Admin Console, click "Console", select "Security Center".

2) In the Security Center, in the "General" tab, select "Enable Security".

3) In the Security Center, in the "Authentication" tab, select "Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA), then click "Apply"

4) In the "Warning" "Changes will not take effect until the application is restarted" popup, click the OK button.  Click the "OK" button to close the Security Center.

Machine 6 (DMS)
(i.e. "weaaix01")

IMPORTANT: Once you have installed WEA/WAS and the Portal Server on the appropriate machine, ALWAYS assure WAS and the Portal server are started on that machine (i.e. "wea2aix8") before installing INS.

On the machine where you plan to install Device Manager, install the DB2 Administration Client and create wasinst instance.

1) Insert and mount CD 2-4 and change directory to "/mnt/db2/aix".

2) From the AIX prompt type "db2setup", and in the "Install DB2 V7" panel, tab to the "DB2 Administration Client" and press the space bar to select it (and only it), and then tab to the "OK" field, then press "Enter".

3) In the "Create DB2 Services" panel, tab to the "Create a DB2 Instance", press the space bar to select it.

4) In the "DB2 Instance" section of the panel, for the "User Name", "Group Name", "Password", and "Verify Password" fields, enter the value "wasinst", and for the "Home Directory" field, enter "/home/wasinst". Tab to "OK" and press "Enter".

5) Back in the "Create DB2 Services" panel, tab to the "OK" button and press "Enter".

6) In the "Summary Report" panel, press "Enter" to Continue.

7) At the "Warning" panel, "OK" should already be selected, press "Enter", and wait a minth.

8) At the "Completed Successfully" and "Status Report" panels, press "Enter" for "OK", and finally "Enter" for "Close" and "Do you want to exit DB2 Setup Utility?", select "OK", then press "Enter".

9) Insert and mount CD 2-7, change directory to "/mnt/db2fp/aix", and from the AIX command prompt, type "installFixPak" to install DB2 Fixpack 7.

10) Configure the database clients for remote database for Device Manager using the following commands.

Where: wasinst represents the Application Server database instance
            <db_hostname> represents the hostname of the machine where the component databases were installed
            <db_port> represents a port number that is planned to use for WebSphere Application Server, such as 55555. Setup Manager will handle the client configuration for WebSphere Application Server.

su - wasinst
db2 catalog tcpip node LOOPWPS remote <db_hostname> server <db_port>
db2 catalog db DMS as DMS at node LOOPWPS

DMS Installation

1) Follow the appropriate instructions in the above "GM Installation" section step 3 to mount the appropriate media, and steps 1-4 in the section "IBM SecureWay Installation".

2) In the "Select Components" panel, select only the component "Device Manager" and "Device Manager", and click "Next". (Do not select "Device Manager Database", and you cannot unselect "WebSphere Everyplace Access") No addional action is required (except swapping CD's if you chose that option)


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

WebSphere Application Server

1)  In the "WebSphere Application Server" "Installation Directory" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (WebSphere Application Server Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer").

2)  In the "Choose Database Location" panel "Is this a remote database" field, select "Yes", and then click "Next".

3)  In the "Collect Database User Info" panel, accept the default for Database Username = "wasinst" and Local Database Group "wasgrp", and enter "wasinst" for the Database Password and Confirm Database Password fields, then click "Next". (Database Username was "wasinst" and Local Database Group was "wasgrp")

4)  A pop-up will appear stating "The user's primary group will be overwritten with this value during install. Click OK and then Back if you wish to change this value.", click "OK", in the popup, and click "Next" in the "Collect DB User Info" panel".

5)  In the "Collect Database Settings" panel, for the "Local Database Name" field accept the default "wasdb", and in the "Remote Database Name" field, enter "wasdbl".  For the "Remote Database Username", "Remote Database Password", and "Confirm Remote Database Password" fields, enter "wasinst". For the "Remote Database Hostname" field, enter the machine name on which the databases reside (i.e. ""). In the "Node Name", enter "LOOPWPS", and in the "Database Server Port" field, enter "55555", then press "Next".

6)  In the "WebSphere Application Server Security Configuration" "Choose Security Option" panel, select "Yes", and click "Next".

7) In the "Collect Administrator ID" panel, for the "Administrator ID", "Password", and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", and click "Next".


1)  In the "WebSphere EveryPlace Access Portlets" to be installed panel, for the "Portal Server Hostname" field, enter the value for the machine you installed WAS/WEA (i.e. "". For the "Portal Administrator Password" enter "wpsadmin". For the "Group" field, enter "wpsadmins", and for the "Portal Administrator Password" and "Confirm Password" fields, enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".

Device Manager

1)  In the "Configure Device Manager", for the "JDBC Driver" field, enter "/home/wasinst/sqllib/java12/", and for the "Database Username", "Database Password" and "Confirm password" fields enter "wasinst", then click "Next" to accept the remaining defaults.(Already filled in were Device Manager Directory "/usr/WebSphere/DMS" and Web Service Directory "/usr/HTTPServer")


1)  In the "Display Summary", click "Next" to accept the defaults. (note that Steve renamed the script file "/StevesFullInst1010021124WEA_response.script", and clicked "Save Configuration".). Go have a latte'.

NOTE: afer installation of additional components (i.e DMS), you must manually re-enable Global Security.

1) From the Admin Console, click "Console", select "Security Center".

2) In the Security Center, in the "General" tab, select "Enable Security".

3) In the Security Center, in the "Authentication" tab, select "Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA), then click "Apply"

4) In the "Warning" "Changes will not take effect until the application is restarted" popup, click the OK button.  Click the "OK" button to close the Security Center.

Installation Details

After several minths a popup "Configuring for Admin Role " will appear.  While you are in the process of performing these steps you should also change the WebSphere Portal Ping Initial Timeout value to 1800.  From the WebSphere Administrative Console, scope down to "WebSphere Administrative Domain", "Nodes", (yournodename), "Application Servers", and select "WebSphere Portal".  In the "Advanced" tab for the Portal Server, change "Ping initial timeout" to "1800", click "Apply".

Follow the Configuring for Admin Role instructions before you continue with the installation of the software. When you are through with the configuring for admin role, be sure to click OK in the Configuring for Admin Role popup. The installation will then continue.

Wait a month, and eventually an "Installation Complete" popup should be displayed stating the response file has been saved, click "OK".  In the Display Summary window, click "Finish".

Logs resulting from the installation include the "setup*" file, which is the overall install log. Within that file will be references to additional logs "RunCommand* that will be in the directory "/usr/IBMWPO/RunCommand". (note that in the "setup*", and the "RunCommand*", the "*" refers to a "randomly generated" numeric value created during the install process.)

Additional logs can be found in "/usr/WebSphere/INS/install", and "/usr/WebSphere/INS/install/RecentAlert" directories

Databases Installed During Full Installation

WebSphere Application Server   wasdbl  (alias: wasdb)
WebSphere Portal     wpsdb  (alias: wpsdb)
WebSphere Member Services   wmsdb
Offline Browsing     oflnbrs
Intelligent Notification Services   insdb  weadb
Everyplace Synchronization Server  cafprsst  (alias: cafalias)  tss1  (alias: tssalias)
DB2 Everyplace     dsyctldb  vnurse  m_vnurse  m_vn2
Device Manager     dms

WPO and WAS DB's

From the above list, the following are WPO and WAS DB's:

WebSphere Application Server   wasdbl  (alias: wasdb)
WebSphere Portal     wpsdb  (alias: wpsdb)
WebSphere Member Services   wmsdb

Post Installation Required Steps

Central Connection Point
Change Datasources
Enabling Verbose Logging
Configuring Intelligent Notification Server
Starting Intelligent Notification Server
Additional ESS Configuration Steps
Configuring Everyplace Synchronization Server
Starting Everyplace Synchronization Server
DB2e Configuration

Central Connection Point

In a distributed environment you will want all HTTP requests to come through one central connection point. This will enable your users to always specify the Everyplace Access server address when configuring their devices. To accomplish this, you need to regen the WebSphere Application Server plugin configuration on the Everyplace Access Basic Services node after installing each additional component. For example, after you install Synchronization Server, on either the same machine or on another machine, you need to regen the WebSphere Application Server plugin configuration using the WebSphere Admin Console.

To regen the plugin configuration:

1) Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console.

2) Expand the tree to the WebSphere Portal node.

3) Select then right-click the node and select Regen WebSphere Plugin.

4) Repeat these steps after you install each additional component (the author waited until the last component was installed until performing this action).

Change Datasources

1) On any of the above machine on which the WebSphere Admin Server is installed (i.e. "wea2aix8"), launch Administrative Console by changing directories to "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin", and executing the command " &".

2) Expand the "WebSphere Administrative Domain" then "Resources" then "JDBC Providers".

3) Assure the WebSphere Admin Servers are started on each of the three component machines (i.e. "weaaix01", "wea2aix3", and "wea2aix5").

4) Perform step 4 for each of the database drivers "RA DB Driver", "INS DB Driver", and "ESS DB Driver".

5). Click Data Sources and on the General tab that verify Custom Properties contains the fully qualified database server name (i.e. "") in the "serverName" property. If it does not exist, select this parameter and add the value. Click Apply to save your changes.

6) Restart the Application Servers for the associated/three component machines.

Enabling Verbose Logging

1) In the directory "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/app/config", modify the file "" to include additional logging (or use the file "/WEA/tools/shayden/", which shows the values to modify).

2) Stop then restart the Portal server. Once the Portal Server has been restarted, new logs will be placed in "/usr/WebSphere/PortalServer/log", with a filename "wps_*", where "*" is a time stamp (i.e. "wps-2002.12.10-17.24.53.log").

Configuring Intelligent Notification Server

This procedure should not be necessary, but if you do not have Portal Server running during INS install, the database might not be configured properly. This procedure must be performed on the database machine (i.e. "wea2aix2"), which will require copying files from the INS machine to your database machine. To configure your INS database (note, the following files/directories are in "/WEA/tools/shayden/INS.install").

1)  Create and change to a temporary directory on your database machine (i.e. "wea2aix2"), called "/tmp/INS.install".

2)  From the machine you installed INS on, copy/ftp the file "/usr/WebSphere/INS/bin/" to your "/tmp/INS.install" directory.

3)  Also, from the machine you installed INS on, copy/ftp the file "/usr/WebSphere/INS/config" to your "/tmp/INS.install" directory (note that the "config" directory contains two directories which must be copied intact, "sql", and "upm").

4) As user "wasinst" (i.e. "su - wasinst"), from the AIX command line, in your "/tmp/INS.install" directory, run the command "" with the parameters for your database name, database userid, and database password (i.e. " insdb wasinst wasinst").  When this script runs to completion, your database should be successfully populated.

(Steve, put a list of the DB's on this box here)

Starting Intelligent Notification Server

1) At the node INS is installed on (i.e. "wea2aix5", go to the /usr/WebSphere/INS/bin directory and execute the command "./startADM wea2aix5" (note, this will tie up this window!).

2) At the same directory, execute the command "startHA" (note, this will tie up this window!).

3) From a web browser, connect to the machine that has WAS/WEA (i.e. "wea2aix8"), using the url "".

4) Logon as "wpsadmin" using the password "wpsadmin".

5) Select the "Intelligent Notification" portlet group".

6) Select the "Administration" tab, and then click "Run all servers". After several seconds the "Status" of all servers should be "Running".

7) From the AIX machine you have installed INS on, go to the /usr/WebSphere/INS/bin directory and execute the command "./startSAM wea2aix5" (note, this will tie up this window!).

Additional ESS Configuration Steps

Some of these steps are actually workarounds which might be fixed later. First, assure the CAFPRSST database has been populated.

On the ESS Machine

1) Switch users to wasinst (i.e. "su - wasinst"), and issue the command "db2 connect to cafprsst", and then the command "db2 list tables for schema caf". There should be several tables listed.

2) From this same window/account, add the following lines to end of the "wasinst" ".profile" (i.e. "vi /home/wasinst/.profile")

cd sqllib/java12
.   usejdbc2
cd  ../..

3) From this same window/account, execute the ".profile" (i.e. ".  ./.profile").

5) From another AIX window, execute the following commands:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java131/jre
export WAS_HOME=/usr/WebSphere/AppServer
ln -fs /usr/java131/jre/bin/java /usr/bin/java

java -fullversion

This should result in the display of "java full version "J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX build ca131-20020706".

6) Execute the "wasinst" profile by first changing to the dictory "/home/wasinst" and executing the command ".  ./.profile".

7) Change directories to "/usr/WebSphere/IBMSyncServer/caf/bin", and execute the command "esscmd init". This will start the ESS Server.

On the Database Machine

1) Execute the command "ps -ef | grep db2jd" and "ps -ef | grep 6789" to assure there is a process running called "db2jd 6789". If this is not running, change directories to "/usr/lpp/db2_07_01/java12" and execute the command "./db2jd 6789 &".

Confirm ESS Server Operation

1) From the supported web browser of your choice, connect to the portal (i.e") and login as "wpsadmin" with password "wpsadmin".

2) In the portlet group choice, select "Everyplace Synchronization" and click on the "Manage Servers" tab. In the "Everyplace Synchronization Servers", your ESS server should reflect "Running".

Configuring Everyplace Synchronization Server

This procedure should not be necessary, but if you do not have Portal Server running during INS install, the database might not be configured properly. This procedure must be performed on the database machine (i.e. "wea2aix2"), which will require copying files from the INS machine to your database machine. To configure your INS database (note, the following files/directories are in "/WEA/tools/shayden/ESS.install").

1)  Create and change to a temporary directory on your database machine (i.e. "wea2aix2"), called "/tmp/ESS.install".

2)  From the machine you installed INS on, copy/ftp the file "/usr/WebSphere/ESS/bin/" to your "/tmp/ESS.install" directory.

3)  Also, from the machine you installed INS on, copy/ftp the file "/usr/WebSphere/ESS/config" to your "/tmp/ESS.install" directory (note that the "config" directory contains two directories which must be copied intact, "sql", and "upm").

4) As user "wasinst" (i.e. "su - wasinst"), from the AIX command line, in your "/tmp/ESS.install" directory, run the command "" with the parameters for your database name, database userid, and database password (i.e. " insdb wasinst wasinst").  When this script runs to completion, your database should be successfully populated.

Starting Everyplace Synchronization Server

1) At the node ESS is installed on (i.e. "wea2aix3", go to the /usr/WebSphere/steve/bin directory and execute the command "esscmd init" (note, this will tie up this window!).

3) From a web browser, connect to the machine that has WAS/WEA (i.e. "wea2aix8"), using the url "".

4) Logon as "wpsadmin" using the password "wpsadmin".
Steve, check this!

5) Select the "Everyplace Synchronizations Server" portlet group".

DB2e Configuration

On the machine you installed ESS/DB2e on, you must configure the DB2e instance for WAS to be able to communicate with it's databases. The examples assume that DB2e was installed using database instance/user "db2inst1" and WAS was installed using instance "wasinst". Before performing these steps stop the DB2e Everyplace Application Server from the WAS Admin Console.

DB2e Instance Configuration

1) Switch users to "db2inst1" (i.e. "su - db2inst1").

2) At the command prompt type "db2 update dbm cfg using using svcename <db_port>" where "db_port" is a currently unused port (i.e. "56969").

3) Stop then start the "db2inst1" instance using the commands "db2stop force", then "db2start".

WAS Instance Configuration

1) Switch users to "wasinst" (i.e. "su - wasinst").

2) Configure WAS to enable using the "db2inst1" databases by issuing the command "db2 catalog tcpip node LOOPDB2E remote server 56969".

2) Catalog all the databases being used by DB2 Everyplace, "dsyctldb", "vnurse", "m_vnurse" and "m_vn2", by invoking the following commands for each, Where <was_instance> is the Application Server instance, such as "wasinst", <db_hostname> is the the fully qualified hostname of the remote database, and <db_port> is the TCPIP port you configure above.  If you create additional DB2 Everyplace databases, you must catalog them too.

    db2 catalog db (thedatabasename) as (thedatabasename) at node LOOPDB2E

    (i.e.  "db2 catalog db dsyctldb as dsyctldb at node LOOPDB2E"
            "db2 catalog db vnurse as vnurse at node LOOPDB2E"
            "db2 catalog db m_vnurse as m_vnurse at node LOOPDB2E"
            "db2 catalog db m_vn2 as m_vn2 at node LOOPDB2E")

3) Stop then start the "wasinst" instance using the commands "db2stop force", then "db2start".

4) Start the DB2 Everyplace Application Server from the WebSphere Administration Console.

5) Regenerate WebSphere Plugin.

        a) Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrator's Console.
        b) Expand the tree to the WebSphere Portal node.
        c) Right click the node and select Regen WebSphere Plugin.

To synchronize a Pocket PC to a DB2e database, see Synchronizing a Pocket PC

Testing The Installation

At this point WEA and associated software should be installed, and WAS and your applications should have been started. Start the Admin Console (from a command prompt type "./  &"), and when queried for authentication, use the value "wpsadmin" for the ID and password. (Note: if you had left the Admin Console running after performing the steps in "Configuring for Admin Role", you still have a snapshot of the configuration of WES/WAS at that point. Refreshing the Admin Console will not show you the remaining applications that were installed after the configuration was performed. To see these applications you must exit the Admin Console and restart it. Logon using ID/Password of "wpsadmin").

Steve:  If you provide the "Security Center password" with anything other than "wpsbind", it will be changed. Apparently during the installation process the Security Center password was changed from the value input (i.e. "wpsadmin") to "wpsbind". Dont know why!

To verify the installation and operation of WebSphere Application Server, scope down to "WebSphere Administrative Domain", "Nodes", (yournodename), "Application Servers", select "Default Server", right mouse click and select "Start". Once the Default Server has started you should be able to run the "snoop" servlet by using your favorite browser and browsing the url "http://localhost/servlet/snoop". The userid and password for accessing servlets is "wpsadmin".

To verify the installation of WEA, use the url "http://localhost/wps/portal" (or alternatively your machinename, i.e.. "") to run the "WebSphere Everyplace Access" portlet. If you are queried for an ID/Password, use "wpsadmin" for both.

To login to the WebSphere Everyplace Access using the "portal" portlet, click on the key icon on the upper right corner of the web page. For the User ID and Password, enter the value "wpsadmin", and click the "Log In".

If the snoop servlet and portal portlet both work your installation was (probably) successful.

Steve, rethink/fix this - Restarting WebSphere Everyplace Access

1)  The "graceful" way to stop WEA is from the WebSphere Admin Console, selecting your node (i.e. "wea2aix1"), right mouse click, and click on "Stop". You will be prompted as to whether you really want to do this, click "OK".  (alternatively you  can (from a command prompt) "kill -9 (yourprocessnumber) on all java processes running on your machine. Note that this is a "disgraceful" way to stop WEA/WAS, and your results might dissappoint you)

2) Start the IBM WS Admin Server by issing the command "./ &" from the command prompt.

3) Wait a few minutes for WAS to start, then start the WebSphere Administrator Console, also from the command line using the command "./  &".

4) When the Admin Console appears, scope down to "WebSphere Administrative Domain", "Nodes", "(yournodename - i.e. "wea2aix1")", "Application Servers", and one by one select all servers, right mouse click, click on "Start" to start them. This includes "Default Server", "WebSphere Portal", "Everyplace Synchronization Server", "Everyplace Recent Alert Server", "DMS_AppServer", and "DMSconsole_AppServer".

5) At this point you should be able to access all WEA components when you logon at the "(yourmachinename)" web site.

Global Security Problem Workaround

Setup Manager cannot start the Application Server Admin Service if the global security is set incorrectly

Setup Manager cannot start the Application Server Admin Service if the global security is set incorrectly causing the install to fail. This problem can occur when you are using Standard Install to install WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services using a remote Application Server database.

Setup Manager cannot start the Application Server Admin Service if the global security is set incorrectly and install fails. This problem can occur when you are using Standard Install to install WebSphere Everyplace Access Basic Services using a remote Application Server database. The response file (wpsSilent.rsp) may become corrupted if you click the Back button on the Application Server panels. Setup Manager sets the global security to "no" which prevents the Admin Service from starting.
The first time you install Everyplace Access Basic Service using a remote Application Server database, this global security setting should be "yes" indicating Setup Manager will enable the security. If the value "no", this indicates the security is already enabled and Setup Manager does not need to enable security.
When the global security setting is corrupted, Setup Manager provides an error message indicating it cannot start the Application Server Admin Service.
To ensure the global security configuration, you should verify the response file when you reach the Summary panel. Before you click Next on the Summary panel, open the response file and verify the global security.

On AIX the response file is located in the /user/IBMWPO directory.

You only need to verify the global security setting when you are installing Everyplace Access Basic Services with a remote Application Server database.
To verify the global security setting:

1. Open the wpsSilent.rsp file.
2. Verify the CfgProps.wasConfigureGlobalSecurity property is set to "yes".
-P CfgProps.wasConfigureGlobalSecurity="yes"
3. If the value is "yes", return to the Summary panel in Setup Manager and click Next to complete the install.

If the value is "no", return to the Summary panel in Setup Manager and click Cancel to exit the install. You must start the install again. On the Choose Security Option panel, select No for the Is WebSphere Application Server Security enabled? option. This means Setup Manager must configure global security for this installation. Global security is required by Portal installation. Selecting No on the panel results in the response file having the correct configuration:

If you encounter an error message indicating Setup Manager cannot start the Application Server AdminService, check the wpsSilent.rsp file. Verify the global security configuration as instructed above. If the global security setting is incorrectly set to "no", you must cancel the install.
To successfully install Everyplace Access, you should uninstall the Everyplace Access Basic Services (WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal). When you run Setup Manager again to complete the install, if you were previously using a response file, do not use that response during this reinstall. The response file may be corrupted.

Increasing File Sizes

This script contains the commands to increase your file sizes to accomodate the larger build. Note that it only adds to the current size of your file system without knowing or caring what they currently are!


print "Fixing the /etc/profile -- to resolve stty issue"
cat /etc/profile | sed -e "s/stty erase/#stty erase/g" >/tools/mo.log
mv /tools/mo.log /etc/profile

chfs -a size='+200000' /
chfs -a size='+2400000' /home
chfs -a size='+800000' /tmp
chfs -a size='+1200000' /usr
#usr/sbin/chfs -a size=6553600 /home
usr/sbin/chfs -a size=224000 /home

echo "Filesystem /, /tmp, /usr and /home modified."
echo "Updating /etc/security/limits file"
cp /tools/insv2/shilen/limits /etc/security/limits