Installing WebSphere Portal Offering 4.21 On AIX

Full Install (performed 04/03/03)

This method presumes you are connected to a network drive which has a WebSphere Everyplace Access (WEA) build available. This process describes the use of Setup Manager, which installs WPO. It includes the installation of components "WebSphere Portal", "Portal Server", "WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition", "WebSphere Application Server Fixpack 4", "WebSphere Application Server", "IBM HTTP Server","IBM Directory Server", "IBM Directory Server", "IBM Directory Client", "DB2 Universal Database, "DB2 Universal Database Server", and the "DB2 Universal Database Fixpack 7". Note that this was a snapshot of the WPO 4.2 GM build.

When using Setup Manager without the use of the keyboard (for accessibility), choosing a radio button involves using the "Tab" key to go to the appropriate field, and pressing the space bar to select that field.  For selecting check boxes, use the tab and arrow keys to move to the appropriate  position, then press the space bar to "check" the box. Also, in the following sections, when instructed to "select" or "click", use the tab key to go to the appropriate field, then press the "Enter" key.

Before you begin installation of the full complement of services, you must increase your file sizes. This can be done automatically using a utility provided in the "tools" directory.

1)  Logon to your AIX machine (i.e. "(yourmachinename)") as "root", but before you attempt to install WPO, you must increase your file sizes. (i.e. change directories to "/WEA/tools/shayden", and execute the script "qp.ksh"). See Increasing File Sizes for details of this script.

2)  Mount a network drive to your machine that has the appropriate build on it (i.e. execute the commands "mkdir /wp421" and "mount /wp421"). See Example Mount Script for details of this script.

3)  Change directories to the newly mounted drive (i.e. "cd  /wp421/Setup"), and at the AIX command prompt type "./". In a few seconds a new GUI window should appear for performing the installation.

During installation, progress will be displayed on the window you started the install on.

WebSphere Portal Offering Install

1)  After invoking the install script, the first screen you will see is the "View Information" window in the "View Prerequisites" panel. If you wish, view the prerequisites (this will be done via a web browser), then click "Next"

2)  In the "Reading Software License" panel, select "Accept" in the "Program License Agreement" section and click "Next".

3)  In the "Validate the Installation Key" panel, enter the key values for the Enable version of WPO, then click "Next".

4)  In the "Install Selection" panel, select "Standard Install" and click "Next".

5)  You then have the option to enter a response file of a previously recorded install if desired, do not enter a value (and if one is there by default, delete it from this input field), and click "Next".

6)  In the "Select Components" panel, select ONLY the components "WebSphere Portal", "Portal Server", "WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition", "WebSphere Application Server Fixpack 5", "WebSphere Application Server", "IBM HTTP Server","IBM Directory Server", "IBM Directory Server", "IBM Directory Client", "DB2 Universal Database, "DB2 Universal Database Server", "DB2 Universal Database Fixpack 8", (and if this is a "distributed" install, also select "DB2 Universal Database Client"), then click "Next".

7)  In the "Checking Previous Installation" panel, you will (probably) be told you have a "Previous installation(s) of component(s) selected for install have been detected on this server. The following components' installation options cannot be modified. License Use Management Runtime - " and either "Take no action" or "Upgrade the installation", click "Next".

(Might need to install fileset "", "bos.rte", or whatever it tells you to).


1)  In the "Collecting Admin Username for IBM HTTP Server" panel, enter "ihsadmin" for the User Name, Password, and Confirm password fields. For the Group enter "ihsgrp", then click "Next".

SecureWay Directory Installation

1)  In the "SecureWay Directory Server" "Collect LDAP Suffix Information" panel, in the Suffix field enter "dc=rushmore".  In the Administrative User enter "cn=wpsadmin",  for the Password and Confirm Password fields enter "wpsadmin", then click "Next".  (LDAP port is "389").

WebSphere Application Server

1)  In the "WebSphere Application Server directory" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (WebSphere Application Server Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer").

2)  In the "Choose Database Location" panel, "Is this a remote database" field, select "No", then click "Next".

3)  In the "Choose DB Location" panel "Is this a remote database" field, select "No", and then click "Next".

4)  In the "Choose Database Type" panel, choose "DB2", and click "Next".

5)  In the "Collect DB User Info" panel, accept the default for Database Username = "wasinst" and Local Database Group "wasgrp", and enter "wasinst" for the Database Password and Confirm Database Password fields, then click "Next". (Database Username was "wasinst" and Local Database Group was "wasgrp")

6)  In the "Collect Database Settings" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults (Local Database Name = "wasdbl", Local Database Alias  name = "wasdb", Node Name = "LOOPBACK", and Database Server Port = "55555").

7) In the "Choose Web Server Location" panel, for the "Is your Web server on a remote machine", select "No", then click "Next".

WebSphere Application Server Web Server

1) In the "Select Web Server" panel, accept the default "IBM HTTP Server", and click "Next".

Portal Server

1)  In the "Authentication Mode" panel, select "Database and LDAP Directory Mode", and click "Next".

2)  In the "Security Configuration" panel, select "Now" and click "Next".

3)  In the "LTPA Password" panel, enter "wpsbind" for the LTPA Password and Confirm password, and click "Next".

4)  In the "Server Configuration" panel, click "Next" to accept the defaults. (the Install Directory is "/usr/WebSphere/PortalServer", the Hostname is "(yourmachinename)", the Base URI i.e. "/wps", and the Home page is. "/portal", and the Customized page is "/myportal". Proxy Host and Proxy port were blank. The Base URI and the Home page will be the URL to access the Portal portlet, i.e.. "http://(yourmachinename)".).

5)  In the "Authentication Settings" panel, accept the defaults, then click "Next" (Portal Admininstrator User ID was "wpsadmin", and the Administrator Password and Confirm Password fields were 8 "*").

6)  In the "Selection of LDAP Server" panel, for the "LDAP Server" field, change the value to your machine name (i.e. ", and accept the remaining defaults, then click "Next". ("IBM Directory Server" was selected, "User DN" was "cn=wpsadmin", "User Password" and "Confirm password" fields were 8 "*", "Suffix" was "dc=rushmore", "LDAP port number" was "389", and "Make sure LDAP server is properly configured" was checked).

7)  In the "LDAP Configuration" panel, accept the defaults and click "Next". ("User Object Class" was "inetOrgPerson", "User DN prefix" was "uid", "User DN suffix" was "cn=users,dc=rushmore", "Group Object Class" was "groupOfUniqueNames", "Group Member" was "uniqueMember", "Group DN prefix" was "cn", "Group DN suffix" was "cn=groups,dc=rushmore", "Administrator DN" was "uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=rushmore", "Administrative group DN" was "cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=rushmore", "Bind DN" was "uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=rushmore", and "Bind Password" and "Confirm Bind Password" were 7 "*". Leave the two remaining fields "objectAttribute name" and "pluginAttribute name" blank).

8)  In the "Portal Server Database Selection" panel, for the "Database Backend" select "Local DB2 Universal Database Server", for the "Portal Server database configuration options" field select "Create and initialize a new database (DB2 Only)", and for the "Do you want to share the database with Member Services", select "Share this database" and click "Next".

6)  In the "Portal Server Database Configuration" panel , for the "Local Database Password" and "Confirm Local Database Password" fields enter "wasinst", and for the "JDBC Driver Library", enter "/home/wasinst/sqllib/java12/", then click "Next". (The "Local Database Instance" was "wasinst", the "Local Database Alias Name" was "wpsdb", the "JDBC database driver" was "", the "JDBC URL prefix" was "jdbc:db2", and the "JDBC driver library" was "/home/db2inst1/sqllib/java12/").

7)  In the "License Use Managment" panel, select "Local License Server" and accept the default "LUM Server Hostname" "(yourmachinename)", and click "Next".


1)  In the "Save Response File" panel, you can optionally save your response file (be sure to click "Save Response File"), then click "Next".

2)  In the "Display Summary" panel, click "Next" to proceed with installation. The following is the Summary Results for the above installation. Go have a latte'.

Display Summary Results

The following components are selected for install. Components that appear that you have not selected are listed because a component that you have selected requires them in order to be installed. All components listed will be installed when you hit the next button

Global Security Toolkit
IBM Http Server
    Username:  ihsadmin
    Group: ihsgrp
DB2 Universal Database Server
DB2 Universal Database Fixpack 8
IBM Directory Server
    LDAP Root Suffix:  dc=rushmore
    ADministrative user:  cn=wpsadmin
    LDAP port number:  389
WebSphere Application Server
    WebSphere Application Server installation directory: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
    Local Database User ID:  wasinst
WebSphere Application Server Fixpack 5
    eFixes: Cumulative CM, Cumulative Security, PQ70410, WAS SysMgmt, Cumulative Plugin
Portal Server
    Authentication Mode: Database and LDAP Directory mode
    Install Directory:  /usr/WebSphere/PortalServer
    Hostname for the Web Server:
    LDAP server type: IBM Directory Server
    LDAP server:
    Database backend: Local DB2 Universal Database Server
    Portal Server database configuration options: Create and initalize a new databse (DB2 Only)
    Do you want to share the database with Member Services?  Share the database
Transcoding Technology
Productivity Portlets

Installation Details

After several minths a "Checking LDIF File" popup will appear stating you should examine the file "WPSconfig.ldif" which the installer will use for configuring your LDAP server. Look at it, marvel over it, then click the "OK" button in the pop-up.

After several minths a popup "Configuring for Admin Role " will appear. (Ignore this, it was a temp fix that I do not want to forget.... While you are in the process of performing these steps you should also change the WebSphere Portal Ping Initial Timeout value to 1800.  From the WebSphere Administrative Console, scope down to "WebSphere Administrative Domain", "Nodes", (yournodename), "Application Servers", and select "WebSphere Portal".  In the "Advanced" tab for the Portal Server, change "Ping initial timeout" to "1800", click "Apply".

Follow the Configuring for Admin Role instructions before you continue with the installation of the software. When you are through with the configuring for admin role, be sure to click OK in the Configuring for Admin Role popup. The installation will then continue.

Wait a month, and eventually an "Installation Complete" popup should be displayed stating the response file has been saved, click "OK".  In the Display Summary window, click "Finish".

Logs resulting from the installation include the "setup*" file, which is the overall install log. Within that file will be references to additional logs "RunCommand* that will be in the directory "/usr/IBMWPO/RunCommand". (note that in the "setup*", and the "RunCommand*", the "*" refers to a "randomly generated" numeric value created during the install process.)

Additional LDAP Steps for WEA Installation

If you install WEA on top of WPO, you must make some changes to the LDAP to get WEA to work properly.

1) From a web browser connect to your ldap using the URL "(yourmachinename)".

2) When/If queried for login ID and Password, use "cn=wpsadmin" for the ID, and "wpsadmin" for the Password (or whatever you used in your SecureWay Directory Installation Administrative User and password)

3) Select "Settings", "Suffixes", and in the "Suffix DN" field, enter "dc=ins,dc=ibm,dc=com", then click "Update".

4) Click the link to "restart the server". A message will be displayed reflecting the status, it should eventually state "The directory server is currently running. To stop the server, click the Stop button."

Testing The Installation

At this point WEA and associated software should be installed, and WAS and your applications should have been started. Start the Admin Console, and when queried for authentication, use the value "wpsadmin" for the ID and password. (Note: if you had left the Admin Console running after performing the steps in "Configuring for Admin Role", you still have a snapshot of the configuration of WES/WAS at that point. Refreshing the Admin Console will not show you the remaining applications that were installed after the configuration was performed. To see these applications you must exit the Admin Console and restart it. Logon using ID/Password of "wpsadmin").

Steve:  Apparently during the installation process the Security Center password was changed from the value input ("wpsadmin") to "wpsbind". Dont know why!

To verify the installation and operation of WebSphere Application Server, scope down to "WebSphere Administrative Domain", "Nodes", (yournodename), "Application Servers", select "Default Server", right mouse click and select "Start". Once the Default Server has started you should be able to run the "snoop" servlet by using your favorite browser and browsing the url "http://localhost/servlet/snoop". The userid and password for accessing servlets is "wpsadmin".

To verify the installation of WEA, use the url "http://localhost/wps/portal" (or alternatively your machinename, i.e.. "") to run the "World Clock" portlet. If you are queried for an ID/Password, use "wpsadmin" for both.

To login to the WebSphere Everyplace Access using the "portal" portlet, click on the key icon on the upper right corner of the web page. For the User ID and Password, enter the value "wpsadmin", and click the "Log In".

If the snoop servlet and portal portlet both work your installation was (probably) successful.

Restarting WebSphere Everyplace Access

1)  From the Windows "Services" utility, if necessary, stop the "IBM SecureWay Directory V3.2.2" and the "IBM WS Admin Server".

2)  First start the SecureWay Directory server and then IBM WS Admin Server.

Example Mount Script

The following are the contents of a schell script which can be used as is or modified for mounting the build you wish.

mkdir  /wp421
mount  linwps1:/wp421  /wp421

Increasing File Sizes

This script contains the commands to increase your file sizes to accomodate the larger build. Note that it only adds to the current size of your file system without knowing or caring what they currently are!


print "Fixing the /etc/profile -- to resolve stty issue"
cat /etc/profile | sed -e "s/stty erase/#stty erase/g" >/tools/mo.log
mv /tools/mo.log /etc/profile

chfs -a size='+200000' /
chfs -a size='+2400000' /home
chfs -a size='+800000' /tmp
chfs -a size='+1200000' /usr
#usr/sbin/chfs -a size=6553600 /home
usr/sbin/chfs -a size=224000 /home

echo "Filesystem /, /tmp, /usr and /home modified."
echo "Updating /etc/security/limits file"
cp /tools/insv2/shilen/limits /etc/security/limits

echo "Remember to reboot to apply settings"

AIX Logon Problem

When you attempt to login to AIX and get the Action Required dialog box, it states:

The DT messaging system could not be started.

To correct the problem:

1.  Choose [OK] to return to the logon screen.
2.  Select Failsafe Session from the logon screen's optoin menu and log in.
3.  Check to see that the hostname is correct in "/etc/hosts".
     Other hostname problems can be corrected by usingthe command "smit mktcpip"
4.  Check to see that if a search list is specified in "/etc/resolv.conf" it includes the domain your machine is configured on.

For additional information, see the DT Users's Guide.
